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Standard Operating Procedures

Trial users may download free samples of the SOP documents at the Samples Page.

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0 - Latest Additions/Updates 1 - Administrative
2 - Training 3 - Safety
4 - Facility - Environment and Maintenance 5 - Facility - Cleaning
6 - Equipment 7 - Personnel
8 - Compounding Procedures 9 - Quality Assurance
10 - Inventory Control 11 - Reference Documents
12 - Veterinary Compounding 13 - Miscellaneous
14 - Hazardous Drugs  

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Keyword(s): SOP Matrix

Click to download the CompoundingToday-PCAB-ACHC Standard Operating Procedures Matrix (Adobe .PDF, 73 Kb).

This document shows which Standard Operating Procedures from Compounding Today are applicable to each part of the Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board (PCAB) standards. It has been updated use the survey standards of the Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC).

What are Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)?

SOP's are living documents that detail written instructions describing specific steps to follow in all activities under defined conditions. SOP's are necessary to ensure the continuity of processes to achieve quality performance and quality products/preparations.

Who needs Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)?

All organizations, businesses, etc. should have SOPs.

When do you need Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)?

When you start writing your business plan, it is a good time to start writing SOPs. If you have passed that milestone, start now.

Why do you need Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's)?

To ensure quality performance and preparations; this is accomplished by ensuring proper and consistent personnel policies, operational standards and use of equipment, space, chemicals and commercial products.

SOPs are generally accompanied by specific documentation requirements. Documentation serves as a permanent record that the SOPs are being followed and the required important information on the operation of your pharmacy is recorded. If you don't document, it didn't happen!

Where do you get Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's) for Pharmacies?

Right here at IJPC's! Download and personalize to your pharmacy from any of the categories listed above.

What Standard Operating Procedures do I need for PCAB recognition?

IJPC and have created a matrix to cross-reference these SOPs with the PCAB requirements. You can download a copy from the compliance section.