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Downloadable Documents for Compliance

Downloadable Documents for Compliance

Use these documents to aid in compliance with standards, whether State Boards of Pharmacy, USP or FDA.

The Gap Analysis for the current USP <795>, <797> and <800> are available now in Microsoft Word (.doc) or Excel (.xlsx) formats allowing easy modification to meet the requirements for your state.

The following documents are available:

USP <795> Pharmaceutical Compounding—Nonsterile Preparations

- Gap Analysis Survey - USP Format (MS Word .doc, 1,115 KB).
- Gap Analysis Survey - State Format (MS Word .doc 253 KB).

USP <797> Pharmaceutical Compounding—Sterile Preparations

- Gap Analysis Survey - USP Format (MS Word .doc, 1,600 KB).
- Gap Analysis Survey - State Format (MS Word .doc 608 KB).

USP <800> Hazardous Drugs—Handling in Healthcare Settings

- Preparation Checklist - Gap Analysis (MS Excel .xlsx, 1,445 KB).

- USP Chapter <800> Consensus Statement on Hazardous Drugs (Adobe .pdf, 1,716 KB) and Risk Assessment Templates (MS Excel, .xlsx, 125 KB)

- White Paper: Container-Closure System (Adobe .pdf, 31 KB).

- White Paper: Human-Use Sterilizing Filter Issue (Adobe .pdf, 1,258 KB).

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These documents may require Adobe Acrobat Reader.