Welcome to CompoundingToday.com!
The compounding pharmacist's best source for detailed information needed to grow and maintain a compounding practice. Produced by the International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding, CompoundingToday.com strives to provide the professional
compounder with the tools and resources needed in their daily activities.
Over 9,000 formulas including referenced, general, and cosmetic formulations.
Standard Operating
Over 650 standard operating procedures (SOPs) for compounders.
Physicochemical Data
Physical properties, description, uses, stability, and regulatory info for over 3,000 APIs and other compounding materials.
King Guide
To Parenteral Admixtures
Over 500 IV drugs in 12 fluids. Over 2,400 published, peer-reviewed source references.
15 databases for compounding needs, including filters, flavorings, endotoxins and more.
Discontinued Medications
Search for products no longer on the market.
Regulatory and standards information from the FDA, PCAB, OSHA, etc.