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Book Review

Honest Medicine

Schopick J.
Innovative Health Publishing, Oak Park, IL, 2011

The frustrations of the author with the way her husband was medically treated and the resistance to effective, time-tested, inexpensive treatments for life-threatening diseases that were not FDA approved or supported by Big PHARMA, is presented in a very informative, easy-to-read and interesting book. This book is well documented with case histories written by physicians. The treatments described have been used for many years, but many patients are sent home with no hope by physicians trained in the traditional methods that seem to be “closed-minded” or uninformed of other options available to them. Some say they are just “too busy” to look at other options! Drugs described in this book include Silverlon, alpha lipoic acid, and low dose naltrexone; the ketogenic diet is also described. A “very good read” that will support a lot of the recommendations by pharmacists and physicians who are open to other treatment when traditional methods fail.

Reviewed By:  Loyd V. Allen, Jr., Ph.D.
In:  Jan 2011