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Downloadable White Papers

After the experience of being interviewed for a program produced by ABC-TV, PrimeTime Live, it became very apparent to Dr Loyd Allen that there is a lack of understanding, education and information about what pharmacy compounding is and its' importance in our society today. Not only that, but there are a lot of misstatements made by a few misguided individuals that appear to have an agenda to minimize the extent of pharmacy compounding today.

The White Papers displayed on this section of our site are written pieces on pharmacy compounding-related topics that hopes will be useful to pharmacists in educating their patients, physicians, nurses, and community about pharmacy compounding. In addition, these White Papers have been sent to the deans of all colleges of pharmacy, all state pharmacy organizations, all pharmacy state boards, all national pharmacy organizations, all national pharmacy publications and to the national media.

The first paper "Did you know that without pharmacy compounding?" is designed for patients and the community. It simply describes what the situation would be if we did not have pharmacy compounding. This paper would make a nice handout or leaflet to provide to all patients coming into your facility. It is also great for handouts when you do presentations to local clubs, etc.

The second paper "What do you know about pharmacy compounding?" is designed for distribution to health professionals and will be useful for some patients and even the lay press. It describes the scope of pharmacy compounding and why it is important. It discusses 13 different areas of why we need pharmacy compounding.

The third paper "Recent advances in quality pharmacy compounding" discusses all the recent advances in quality pharmacy compounding that have been in process over the past few years and are now coming to fruition. It is quite remarkable to see the advances that have been made in a relatively short time. It discusses PCAB, USP, Pharmacists' Pharmacopeia, ACPE, AACP, educational programs and analytical laboratory support.

The fourth paper "Reasons the FDA should not be involved in pharmacy compounding" simply describes a list of reasons why it is best that the FDA not be involved in pharmacy compounding. Obviously, if the FDA tried to enforce compounding at the level of Good Manufacturing Practices, etc., it would eliminate pharmacy compounding and the good it provides to millions of patients daily. Also, FDA's view that all compounded preparations are "New Drugs" would have a disastrous impact on healthcare today and would even eliminate the intravenous admixture programs in hospitals, etc. With upwards of 10,000 different formulations that are compounded and at a cost of $200 to $500 million dollars per New Drug Application, nobody would be willing to do the work for a New Drug Application and compounding would disappear and we all would be at the mercy of the pharmaceutical industry providing to us only what will make a profit for them.

These White Papers can be framed and displayed in your patient waiting areas for a permanent display and/or can be provided as patient handouts. Please feel free to use them when you are involved in giving presentations to groups about compounding.

These White Papers can be downloaded or professional copies can be obtained by calling the IJPC Customer Service office. Please use them to educate and inform all who will read them about the value of individualized patient care through pharmacy compounding.

English Versions
Did You Know That Without Pharmacy Compounding:
Reasons the FDA Should Not Be Involved in Pharmacy Compounding
Recent Advances in Quality Pharmacy Compounding
What Do You Know About Pharmacy Compounding?

Spanish Versions
Argumentos en contra de que la FDA regule la formulación magistral
Recentes Avanços na Qualidade da Manipulação Farmacêutic
¿Qué Sabe sobre Formulación Magistral?

Versão em Português
O Que Você Sabe Sobre Farmácia de Manipulação?
Motivos Pelos Quais o FDA Não Deveria Se Envolver Com A Farmácia Magistral
Recentes Avanços na Qualidade da Manipulação Farmacêutica
Você Sabia Que Sem A Farmácia de Manipulação....